What's in a Scent: Lost Provence
A question we get often is, "Which of your scents do you recommend?" Of course, the answer is all of them, but that's not very helpful, is it? For that reason, we thought we'd give a quick background on some of our scent profiles - starting with Lost Provence.
When I was 19, I had the pleasure of spending the entire summer living in Paris, France. I worked for a large chemical company there as an intern, and loved every minute of it. I don't actually remember working a whole lot, but I do remember the frequent weekend trips around the European countryside. One of those trips was to Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, or Provence for short.

My dorm during my summer in France. Not too shabby.
Provence is a region in the southeast corner of France, nestled along the Mediterranean sea. The area features a splendid array of quintessential French sightseeing: large swaths of vineyards, dramatic ocean-side scenery, lively cities, and quaint hill-capping villages. But no visit to Provence would be complete without a stop to see the infamous Provençal Lavender fields.
From mid-June to early August, the entire countryside explodes with Lavender, filling the air with the sweet, familiar scent. In fact, the region is almost synonymous with this fragrant flower which is harvested primarily for it's essential oils. This oil is well known for it's calming and soothing properties.

French Lavender Fields.
When you couple the "spa-like" properties of lavender with the fact that it's almost always packaged in a purple bottle, you'd be forgiven if you view our Lost Provence fragrance as...well, a feminine one. But you would be mistaken.
In our Lost Provence products, we take iconic Lavender base notes and add our own blend of Basil Leaf and Blue Sage to bring out warm, earthy overtones. The lavender is definitely still noticeable, but there is a sense of ruggedness and strength that rounds out the sweetness of the lavender.
The result is a scent profile that has turned me from a lavender snubber - to a strong believer. I believed in it enough to put my company's name on it - and it was a risk that has paid off. Lost Provence has been one of our most popular scents yet.

Curious to try out Lost Provence yourself? We'd love to make you a lavender believer, so we're offering a new promotion now for this one-of-a-kind scent. This week, buy any Ultra Lather Shaving Cream and get a Lost Provence Healing Post Shave for free. Just add both to your cart and use the coupon code LAVENDER at checkout.
All of our skincare and grooming products are made with 100% plant and animal ingredients, and Never Made With suspect chemicals or fragrances. Lost Provence is 100% essential oil based. Rest easy knowing that nothing but the best damn materials in the world are being used in our skincare products.