The Single Edge ALLOY - Available for Preorder Nov. 1st

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Hello Supply Fam-

If you read our blog last week, you know that a few changes are coming to our product line. (If you didn’t read it, I’d recommend it.)

Let’s talk about the changes coming for the razor.

The Razor

Beginning November 1, you will see the following options on our website:

The Single Edge ALLOY ($75)
The Single Edge STEEL ($150)

Notice two specific things:
(1) The new names (ALLOY and STEEL).
(2) The new prices ($75 and $150)

ALLOY is the name we’re giving to our all-new PVD Alloy handles, and STEEL is the name we’re giving to our existing Stainless Steel handles.

I thought about writing a long email describing the differences, but instead I wrote a ton of FAQs below. I think they’ll serve you better.

I have been working on these changes for over a year. Since Day 1, my biggest concern was doing right by my existing, loyal customers. All of these changes only benefit you.

If you think you’re getting screwed over, please let me know. If so, I’ve poorly communicated what’s coming.

One last thing - if you want to get The Single Edge STEEL (i.e. Stainless Steel) at existing prices, now is the time to do it. Prices go up roughly 35% on November 1.

With warmth and gratitude,

Patrick Coddou



What is the difference between the new razors and the existing razors?
Other than the new materials and manufacturing methods, nothing. There are no changes at all to the size, function, or shaving qualities of the razor. They are identical.

Then what’s the point?
It’s extremely expensive to produce razors in solid stainless steel - especially ours. Most of our competitors charge $120 - $300 for similar stainless steel razors.

As I mentioned in my previous email, I am raising the price on our existing Stainless Steel razor (“STEEL”) - but at the same time I wanted to offer a quality razor at an accessible cost. Thus, the Single Edge ALLOY was born.

You said the new metal razors are “PVD alloy.” What does that mean?
Our new ALLOY razors are made from die-cast zinc alloy. This is a very standard production process used for roughly 95% of safety razors on the market today.

What about the “PVD” part?
Not being satisfied with the status quo, we specified Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) as our coating process for the ALLOY razors. Most safety razors use a traditional electroplating process that can chip, fade, and peel over time. We use an entirely different process.

PVD is an extremely durable coating that is typically used in Aerospace and Automotive applications. I can’t tell you how proud I am of this. As far as I’m aware, we are the only razor manufacturer that uses this process to coat zinc-alloy razors.

Also, side note - this is a very similar process to how we coat our Matte Black and Jet Black STEEL razors today.

Tell me more!
I will, in a future post :)

Will the weight be changing?
Not much. The new ALLOY razor will be roughly 10% lighter than the STEEL razor.

I just bought your razor! Why are you doing this to me?
I want to be clear here - this is a very good thing for our existing customers. You purchased our premium, Stainless Steel handle at the lowest price it will ever be. There is zero downside for you.

But you said they’re the same razor! I want the cheaper one.
They may operate identically, but they’re definitely not the same razor. That said, if you’re still within your 100-Day trial and you want to exchange your STEEL razor for a ALLOY razor, let us know.

Will your 100-Year Warranty and 100-Day Trial still apply to the ALLOY version?

Will existing blades work with the new ALLOY razor?

I still don’t get it.
That’s not a question. But we’d love to clarify anything that doesn’t make sense. Please send us an email!